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Adar 5781 / February 2021 |
![The Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion](/images/stories/YHE/whats_happening/5776/vbm-logo1.png)
May HaKadosh Barukh Hu bring the Corona pandemic to an end.
![](/images/stories/YHE/whats_happening/5777/purim.jpg) |
By Deracheha Staff, Laurie Novick, Director
What is the nature of women’s obligation in megilla? Who constitutes a quorum for a reading? May a woman read for herself or others? Read more
![yeshiva purim seuda 275x200](/images/stories/YHE/whats_happening/yeshiva_purim_seuda_275x200.jpg) |
By Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon
When Purim falls on Shabbat (in Jerusalem), when do we read the megilla, have a seuda, say Al HaNisim, give mishloach manot and matanot la-evyonim? Why are these mitzvot split between three different days? Read More
![rav medan megilla 275x200](/images/stories/YHE/whats_happening/rav_medan_megilla_275x200.jpg) |
By Rav Uriel Eitam
The Talmud puts Haman in the Garden of Eden, but what lies behind this exegesis? Can it help us understand the status of the other tree in the Garden, the Tree of Life? Read More
If you have gained from The VBM, which is the product of decades of effort on the part of our devoted staff, please consider joining the ranks of kol nediv lev, “all the generous of heart” (Shemot 35:22), who support the program. Your donation makes another exciting year of Torah possible.
Have you been wondering why you aren't receiving shiurim this year? Only registrants via the website are continuing to receive our material...