Yeshivat Har Etzion has long been known for excellence in Torah study. The yeshiva’s core curriculum is made up of traditional Talmud study, complemented by in-depth study of Tanakh, Halakhah and Jewish Philosophy. Yeshivat Har Etzion regards these complementary areas of study as a vital element in Torah education. They are the key to producing the kind of well-rounded, broad-minded Jews the world so desperately needs today – steeped in Torah, conversant in all areas of our tradition, yet able to fully engage with the modern world.
Revava, the newly-established Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program, aims to incorporate non-Gemara study that takes place in the yeshiva into one over-arching, organized framework that will maximize the value of these studies. The restructured program will improve the quality of instruction and ensure that all Har Etzion students, whether from Israel or abroad, benefit from the fullest possible range of topics and lecturers. Just as important, it will serve as a befitting memorial to an inspiring individual whose commitment to broad-minded Torah for the modern world melds naturally with the values to which Har Etzion aspires.
REVAVA CHANUKA 2020 - 5781

Wednesday - Thursday Dec 9-10, 2020 we hosted our Chanuka Yemei Iyun in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l.
Torah - Mussar - Medinat Yisrael
In celebration of Harav Yaakov Medan's 70th Birthday
Unfortunately, due to Corona, we were unable to invite our alumni
and friends to physically participate. Recordings are available here >>
Click here for the complete schedule.
Revava Chanuka Study Days
Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 4-5, 2018
This year's topic: Medicine and Halacha
For details of this program, click here.
Click on the picture above to watch the event!
This year's topic:
Rosh Yeshivat Orot Shaul, Rav Yuval Cherlow,
Senior Israeli journalist Dan Margalit,
Dr. Tehilla Schwartz Altschuler, Israeli Institute of Democracy,
Udi Leon, Gesher Film Fund
Emanuel Shilo, Editor of BeSheva
Yifat Ehrlich, Yediot Achronot
in addition to our Roshei yeshiva and ramim.
Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 13-14, 2017.
Click hear for the complete program. Click here for pictures.
To listen to the sessions. To watch...
Aside from our Roshei Yeshiva and Ramim,
Look at our Lineup at the 2016
Revava Chanuka Yemei Iyun!
Dr. Dore Gold - 11th Israel Ambassador to the United Nations
Rav Chaim Yeshayahu Hadari -
one of the founding Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hakotel
Rabbi Yochanan Fried - Director of the Torah Education Department in The Israel Ministry of Education, Editor and Founder of the Halacha B'rura Institute
Member of Knesset - Rabbi Yehuda Glick
Rosh Yeshiva of Mercaz HaRav - HaRav Yaakov Shapira
Natan Sharansky - Executive Chairman of The Jewish Agency
Head of Machon Mishpat LeAm - Dayan Ariel Bareli
Tuesday and Wed., Dec 27-28, 2016. To see pictures...
For the complete program! Watch here... Listen here...
5780, 5779, 5778, 5777, 5776, 5775, 5774, 5773, 5772, 5771.
5776 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program is once again sponsoring this year's Chanuka Study Days. This year's topic is UBeHaalot Aharon Et HaNerot - The Legacy and Doctrine of Moreinu Harav Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l. Please join us on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 9-10, 2014 (27-28 Kislev) at the yeshiva. The Study Days are dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose sixth yahrzeit falls on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear recordings of this two day event. For program details. For pictures of the event, click here. For complete video coverage, click here.
5775 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program is once again sponsoring this year's Chanuka Study Days. This year's topic is Al Gerei HaTzedek veAleinu: Conversion in our Times. Please join us on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 17-18, 2014 (25-26 Kislev) at the yeshiva. The Study Days are dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose sixth yahrzeit falls on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear recordings of this two day event. For program details. For pictures of the event, click here.
5774 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program is once again sponsoring this year's Chanuka Study Days. This year's topic is Dor LeDor Yabia Omer: Studying the Legacy of Rishon LeTzion Harav Ovadya Yosef zt"l. Please join us on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 4-5, 2013 (1-2 Tevet) at the yeshiva. The Study Days are dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose fifth yahrzeit falls on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear recordings of this two day event. For program details. For pictures of the event, click here.
5773 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program is once again sponsoring this year's Chanuka Study Days. This year's topic is the Israeli Judicial System and the Torah Judicial System - Can the Two Meet? Please join us on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec 11-12, 2012 (27-28 Kislev) at the yeshiva. The Study Days are dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose fourth yahrzeit falls on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear recordings of this two day event.For program details.
5772 Special Tanakh Panel Discussion (March 2012)
פאנל מיוחד על הבנת פרקים טז-יז בספר שמואל - מתי שאול פגש את דוד, וסתירות אחרות
הדוברים בדיון: הרב יעקב מדן, הרב ישראל רוזן, והרב אמנון בזק
View this discussion here (5 parts)
5772 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program sponsored this year's Chanuka Study Days on the topic of Leadership and Vision, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 21-22, 2011 (25-26 Kislev) at the yeshiva. The Study Days were dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose third yahrzeit fell on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear recordings of this two day event. For program details.
View these Study Day Panel Discussions
5771 Chanuka Study Days
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program sponsored this year's Chanuka Study Days on the topic of The Relationship between Jews and Non-Jews, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 1-2, 2010 (24-25 Kislev) at the yeshiva. The Study Days were dedicated in memory of Riva Koschitzky z"l, whose second yahrzeit fell on the 22nd of Kislev. Go to KESHET - our hebrew audio site - to hear the Panel Discussions: "Ma'amad HaMi'utim BeMedinat Yisrael," and "Bein Chaviv Adam leChavivin Yisrael," as well as a report on the Israeli Delegation to Haiti, given by one of its participants. For program details.
View these Study Day Panel Discussions
Special Tu Bishvat Lecture with Dr. Moshe Raanan - Did Chazal Understand Botany?
Erev Limud Gimel Nissan 5771
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program invited Yeshivat Har Etzion's bogrim to join our current talmidim and their fathers for an Erev Limud in the Beit Midrash, Gimel Nissan, April 7th 2011. The afternoon program included shiurim by Harav Aharon Lichtenstein, Harav Beni Lehman, Mr. Ari Shefer, Harav Yaakov Medan, and Rav Moshe Taragin. Complete program details. Recordings of the shiurim can be heard on KESHET - Har Etzion's hebrew audio site.
A Sample of the Chugim Sponsored by
The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program
Revava Elul 5773 - Choref 5774 Schedule
Revava Elul 5772 - Choref 5773 Schedule
Revava Elul 5771 - Choref 5772 Schedule
Revava Programs include:
Among the many chugim offered by Revava:
Aggadita – Rav Chanoch Waxman
Avot D’Rabbi Natan – Rav Moshe Taragin
Halacha Iyun – Rav Doniel Schreiber
Halacha LeMaaseh – Rav Mordechai Friedman
Hichot Shabbat – Rav Doniel Schreiber
Hilchot Ishut - Rav Doniel Schreiber
Inyanei Eretz Yisrael – Rav Menachem Leibtag
Jewish Thought in the Modern World – Rav Pini Cohen
Modern Jewish Thought – Rav Yair Kahn
Neviim Achronim – Rav Menachem Leibtag
Neviim Rishonim – Rav Menachem Leibtag
Parsha and Mussar – Rav Moshe Taragin
Parshanut – Rav Menachem Leibtag
Parshat HaShavua – Rav Menachem Leibtag
Ramban – HaRav Aharon Lichtenstein
Sefat Emet – Rav Yisrael Krengel
Sichat Mussar – Selected Ramim
Tanach – Stephen Kaye
The Halachic Process – Rav Doniel Schreiber
The Writings of HaRav Kook – Rav Hillel Rachmani
The Writings of Rav Soloveitchik – Rav Moshe Aberman
Topics in Halacha – Rav Doniel Schreiber
Chugim offered to the Israeli talmidim have included:
"אגדות ועוגיות" / הרב משה ליכטנשטיין
"הכנה לחיים" / הרב הלל רחמני והרב בני להמן
אורות הראי"ה / הרב יובל שרלו
בקיאות בנביאים ראשונים / הרב דוד נתיב
דף יומי / ר' ברוך ויינטרוב
הלכות ברכות / הרב י.צ. רימון
הלכות ברכות / הרב י.צ. רימון (גם לשיעור א')
הלכות הבית היהודי / הרב ברוך גיגי
התפילה – הלכה ומחשבה / רה"י הרב ברוך גיגי
ובקשתם משם / הרב בני להמן
חוגים בבתי רמי"ם ואברכים (הרב הלל רחמני, הרב יצחק לוי, ר' אביעד ברטוב, ר' ניר עזריאלי, ר' צורי וידר, ר' ערן גור)
חוגים כיתתים עם הרמי"ם השיעוריים (הרב ביק, הרב נחמיה רענן)
חוגים כיתתים עם הרמי"ם השיעוריים (הרב שלמה ברין, הרב עמיחי גורדין והרב יאיר קאהן)
כתבי הרב קוק / הרב הלל רחמני
ליקוטי מוהר"ן / הרב הלל רחמני
מבוא לתורת הגרי"ד / הרב חיימי נבון
מדרשי הלכה / רה"י הרב ברוך גיגי
מהר"ל – גבורות ה' / הרב יעקב מדן
מורה נבוכים / הרב הלל רחמני
מסילת ישרים / רה"י הרב מדן
משנת הציונות הדתית / רה"י הרב משה ליכטנשטיין
נושאים במחשבה / הרב בני להמן
סדר ומבנה בתורה / הרב יואל בן נון
סוגיות אקטואליות בהלכה / הרב י.צ. רימון
ספר הכוזרי / הרב בני להמן
ספר מלכים ב' / הרב יעקב מדן
עיונים בפירוש הרמב"ן עה"ת / הרא"ל
עיונים בפרשת השבוע / הרב אמנון בזק
קדושה – זמן, מקום, אדם / רה"י הרב ברוך גיגי
שעור במחשבה / הרב הלל רחמני
תוכנית לימודי הלכה / מרצים מתחלפים (ר' אלי טרגין)
תוכנית לימודי מחשבה / מרצים מתחלפים (הרב הלל)
תוכנית לימודי תנ"ך / מרצים מתחלפים (ר' ספי מרקוס)
Riva Koschitzky z"l
Riva was born on August 19th, 1960, in Montreal, Canada to Joey and Annette Colton. Following her graduation from the Hebrew Academy of Montreal, she studied for a year at Michlalah-Jerusalem College in Bayit VeGan and continued on to Barnard College in New York where she graduated with a BA in Computer Science.
Riva married Joel Koschitzky in 1981, and together they made aliyah from Toronto one year later. Riva lived in Israel for 27 years and died from breast cancer on December 19th, 2008. Riva is survived by her husband Joel and her three sons: Yedidia (Hesder machzor 37), Yekutiel (Hesder machzor 39), and Amitai.