We hope to add news items as they appear. Your comments are welcome.


November 2011. Gadol HaDor, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein visits Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School in Skokie, Illinois.

Apr. 22, 2011. In his February 18 article on the hesder program “Toward a new gold standard,” Rafi Goldrich, although writing with admirable sincerity and passion, manages to misrepresent both the theory and practice of the hesder yeshivot. Harav Mosheh Lichtenstein responds, as reported in the Jerusalem Post.

Dec. 14, 2010. A Bit of Good News on the Don't-Sell-to-the-Arabs Controversy, as reported in The Atlantic.

Dec. 13, 2010. Paratroopers Brigade commander Col. Aharon Haliva reportedly said that he hates the hesder yeshiva military track. Harav Yaakov Medan and Rav Amichai Gordin respond.

Dec. 2, 2010. Gaza evacuees get help starting a new life, as reported in The Canadian Jewish News.

October 5, 2010. Rabbis deliver apologies, new Korans to vandalized mosque, as reported in Jerusalem Post

September 19, 2010. The Murder Midrash. A controversial treatise, 'Torat Hamelekh,' raises questions about a purported 'Jewish Morality' and the role of rabbis in society, as reported in Jerusalem Post