
Gush Brochure

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Daily Schedule


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Afternoon Schedule

Mazal tov to Rabbi Matt ’19K and Sheerelle Marks on the birth of Amalya Emunah.
Mazal tov to Gidi Rubin ’14MTA on his engagement to Ali Zak ’16MO. Mazal tov also to Gidi’s brother, Rabbi Aron Rubin ’07MTA.
Mazal tov to Nathan ’14MTA and Talia Seidman on the birth of Aminadav Shai. Mazal tov also to Talia’s brother, current MTA madrich Gavi Rod ’20MTA.
Mazal tov to Yair Gross ’16 on his engagement to Elisheva Weintraub. Mazal tov also to Yair’s sister, Jordy ’18MO.
Mazal tov to Elimelekh ’16 and Yael Perl on the birth of Bentzion Ariel. Mazal tov also to Elimelekh’s parents, Rabbi Ari ’92 and Meira Perl. Mazal tov also to Yael’s brother, Didi Blau ’20.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Dorron ’86MTA and Cindy Kline on the birth of a granddaughter, Tenne, daughter of Sha’ked and Hillel Bitton.
Mazal tov to Etan ’10 and Michal Raskas on the birth of Adir Gilad. Mazal tov also to Etan’s parents, Daniel ’84 and Daphna Raskas. Mazal tov also to Etan’s sister, Hadassah ’15MO.
Mazal tov to Rav Moshe and Atara Taragin on the birth of a grandson, born to Shoshi and Gidon ’16K Kupietzky. Mazal tov also to Shoshi’s sisters, Gali ’11MO, Tamar ’15MO, and Temimah ’21MO.
A belated mazal tov to Chayim ’03 and Chava Goldberg on the birth of Yisrael Dov.