1. Rav Mordechai Friedman will give a shiur on the topic of “The Use of Electricity for Shabbat Lighting” on Wednesday, January 30th, at 8 PM at the home of
Eli and Cheryl Sanders
454 Washington Street
Brookline, MA 02446
Before the shiur, Rav Mordechai is available to meet with bogrim at Jerusalem Pita & Grill, 10 Pleasant St., Brookline, beginning at 6 PM.
Be in contact with him at mordechaidfriedman@gmail.com.
2. He is available on Thursday, January 31st to meet with any interested alumni in NYC.
He will be “camping out” at
Kosher Deluxe
10 W 46th St, Btwn 5th & 6th Ave
from 2-4 PM to catch people for a late lunch break.
He is available for any alumni who want to schedule short private meetings between 4-630 PM.
3. Rav Mordechai will be at Columbia University this Shabbat for an alumni Shabbaton.
4. There will be a light melave malkah on Motzaei Shabbat at the home of
Jason and Rachel Cyrulnik,
53 Copley Ave., Teaneck
It will start at 7:45 and end around 9:15.
5. On Sunday morning at 10 AM, alumni from 2003 and earlier are invited to a breakfast hosted by Michael and Leora Stein.
4725 Independence Ave., Bronx, NY, 10471
Please be sure to contact Rav Mordechai to RSVP.
Rav Mordechai Friedman spent the weekend (Parashat Yitro 5779) in the UK.
Friday January 25th there is time allotted for personal meetings with bogrim. If you are interested in scheduling a meeting, please contact Rav Mordechai.
Fri night tisch\discussion on Daas Torah and Emunas Chachamim at 8:00 pm at the home of Elkan & Patti Adler, 33 Rowsley Avenue NW4 1AP.
Shabbat pre shacharis shiur at Magen Avos 9 am and a dvar Torah after mussaf.
Lunch 12:40 at Ner (Mincha at 12:15)
Shiur after Mincha (4:22) in Alei Tzion
Melava Malka 7:00 pm at home of David & Shira Gottlieb, Flat 6, 85 London Road, Stanmore, HA7 4pb
Rav Yair Kahn is coming to the US and will be speaking at college campuses on the east coast. Here is his schedule (tentative and subject to change).
Monday Jan. 28 8-9 - Columbia – Ten Commandments?
Tuesday Jan 29
Lunch - Yale – V'Chol Ha'am Ro'im et Hakolot: Kriat Hatorah for the Blind
Evening - Harvard – Moshe Kibel Torah M'Sinai: Can Man be entrusted with the Faithful Transmission of the Divine Word?
Night - Brandeis – Sinai: Eternalization and Internalization
Wed Jan. 30
Lunch - Queens – Na'aseh V'nishma: What Were the People Responding To?
Evening - Stern – Nadav and Avihu: What Went Wrong?
Thurs. Jan 30
Evening - NYU – Forcing a Divorce: Is one's inner will subject to physical coercion? 7 chevruta 7:45 shiur
Night – 10:15 - YU – שלם ישלם המבעיר את הבערה, followed by cholent and chizzuk
Monday Feb. 4
Lunch - Maryland – Na'aseh V'nishma or Kafa Har K'gigit
Evening- Penn – The Building of the Mishkan: Chronology and Essence
Tuesday Feb. 5
Evening - Princeton – The Mishkan: Vision and Reality
Night - Rutgers – Defining Adar Alef; Understanding the Hebrew Calendar