Mifgashim BeMotzavim
Last year on the 15th of Av, The Yeshiva was rocked by the tragic loss of Sergeant Uriel Liverant z"l in a training accident. Uriel z"l was well known and loved for his Ahavat Yisrael and dedication to Limmud Torah.
In order to perpetuate his memory and the values he personified, two of his friends from the Yeshiva, Yonatan Gershon (מחזור ל"ט) and Uri Yaakov Biran (מזחור ל"ט) initiated the "Mifgashim BeMotzavim" (Meetings in Outposts) program, bringing together students from the Yeshiva and soldiers from the local army base and outposts to share Torah and learning experiences together.
With CTL's help, what started as a weekly Shiur to a group of 10-15 soldiers has blossomed into regular Shiurim on three separate bases, currently attracting soldiers from the Combat Engineers Corps, Armored Corps and Military Police.
Highlights include the Chanuka events on the "Chatmar Etzion" and "Lamed Hey" bases. On each base, a presentation by one of our Talmidim was followed by candle lighting, after which the soldiers broke up into small learning groups, led by Talmidim from the Yeshiva.
More recently, the Seder Tu B'Shvat on the "Beitar" base attracted a large number of soldiers, who were engaged in serious discussion about the significance of the day.
The regular Shiurim and special events succeed in attracting soldiers from all parts of the Religious spectrum. Yonatan Gershon explained the tremendous success as follows:
"We do not come to deliver a message, but to create a learning environment. The success lies in the fact that everybody feels comfortable to participate in a positive shared learning environment."