An English E-Newsletter for Yeshivat Har
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Talmidim in Shiur Klali Elul
5769 Tishrei
5770 From the Desk of Dr. Meyer Brayer
Alumni, On
behalf of the Roshei Yeshiva, the Ramim and everyone here at Yeshivat Har
Etzion, we wish you and your family our very best wishes for a Shana
Tova. May it be a year of good health and happiness, spiritual
growth, besorot tovot and shalom in every sense of the
word for Klal Yisrael. Read
more. | ||||||||||||||||
Sammy (Shmuel Tzvi) Steiner ('06-'08), a Junior at YU majoring in English, at his initiative, accompanied a Nefesh B'Nefesh flight to Israel this summer and will write about the aliyah process for the YU Commentator. Gush alumnus Brad Rubin '08 PC was on the flight.
Click for complete list of recent alumni
Alumni Feature Story
David Suna's connection with Yeshivat Har Etzion began when he was 8 days old. During his bechina with Harav Lichtenstein in 12th grade at MTA high school in NY, Harav Lichtenstein told him that he had attended his brit, since he was friendly with David's parents, Rav Yitzhak z"l and Hadassah, she'tibadel lechaim. David came to Yeshiva for the year in 1983 and studied Ketubot in Rav Ezra Bick's shiur. Read more.
As the years pass by, it's not uncommon for Gushnikim to bump into
each other and sometimes even get together to catch up. Yet, how often
does it happen that Gushnikim find their paths not only coinciding but
also intertwining? Read
Gemara Survey among American HS Seniors
Alumni News The section of this newsletter
over which we fret the most!! We do our best to include all relevant information accurately, but undoubtedly have missed something – our apologies mei-rosh - please send your news to: Alumni
News Marriages Zvi
Lando '81 and Betty Hyman Abe
Mezrich '98 PC and Kathi Lipman Menachem
Lazar '98 and Abby Atlas Aly
Singer '98 and Clara Manson Josh
Frankel '99 and Rachel Berger Eytan
Guenzburger '99 and Judith Zagoury Chaim
Garfinkel '00 and Sarah Leibert Zev
Nagel '00 and Na'amit Sturm Azi
Grysman '01 and Gavi Mintz Adam
Sales '01 and Liliana Martinez Avi
Levine '01 and Dorit Katzenelbogen Alexander
Chester '01 and Jennifer Gonik Simmy
Siegel '02 and Elana Brownstein Jonathan
Moses '03 and Rebecca Margolies MO '07 Yisroel
Cohen '03 and Yael Richtman Lance
Blumenthal '03 and Nikia Evian Shlomo
Shellim '03 and Tammy Steiner Dani
Shaffren '04 and Ariella Ross Daniel
Gutenberg '04 and Talya Adler Aharon
Herskovitz '04 H and Shira Sokol Zalman
Bassin '04 and Talya Balbin Noam
Friedman '07 and Shiffy Staiman MO '06 Avishai
Fuss '07 and Keren Schaum MO '07 Avinoam
and Eli Jacobs Marriages
of Children Meir
'72 and Malkah Schweiger on the marriage of Moshe Tzvi and Tzruya
Schwartz Rav
Elyakim '72 and Sara Krumbein on the marriage of Bat-Tzion and
Guy Aviram Avi
'76 and Rivi Katz on the marriage of Dena MO '04 and Avi
Block David
'77 and Shira Koppel on the marriage of Mordechai (YHE machzor
36) and Yardanna Platt Rav
Shlomo and Tali Brin on the marriage of Michal and Eliav and to
grandparents, Harav Yehuda and Miriam Amital Births Moshe
'78 and Johanna Kestenbaum, Yocheved Shoshana,
Jerusalem Eliezer
'83 and Shuly Kwass, Shmuel, Ramat Beit
Shemesh Jonny
'83 and Toni Glass, twin boys: Aharon Tuvya and Daniel Shaul,
Cape Town, South Africa Raphael
'85 and Tamar Danzger, Yehoshua Simcha, NYC Uri
'87 and Devorah Meth, Zecharya Yehoshua, Baltimore,
MD Lawrence
'87 and Adina Burian, Bluma Gittel (Erin Giselle), New Rochelle,
NY Avshalom
'88 and Karin Hepner, Avishai Joseph, Irvine,
CA Michael
'89 and Yaffa Eisenberg, Nili Yocheved, Jerusalem
'90 and Sarit Gelberg, Maya, Modiin Gili
'91 and Chaya Houpt, Boaz Avraham, Passaic, NJ
'91 and Meira Rappoport, Moriya, New Haven,
CT Nasanayl
'92 and Tamar Braun, twins: Talia and Shai, Longbranch,
NJ Aaron
'94 and Adena Frazer, Rivka Adi, Alon
Shevut Yehuda
'94 and Lisa Septimus, Dalya, Woodmere, NY Ramon
'94 and Julie Widmonte, Batya Chaya, Glenhazel, South
Africa Yoni '94 and Tami Ross, Noam Dvir, Modiin Aton
'95 and Rachel Holzer, Alter Chaim David, Birmingham,
Alabama Chaim
'95 and Deena Grant Davis, Elisheva Chana,
'95 and Aviva Heller, Gavriel Akiva,
Jerusalem Reuven
'95 and Nechama Weiser, Avigayil Rivka,
Efrat Yoram
'96 and Ayelet Schwell, Yitzchak, Katzrin Chaim
'96 PC and Shari Saiman, Ayala Tirzah, Bala Cynwyd,
PA Yoni
'96 and Sivan Tuchman, Rephael Yeshua, Valley Village, CA
'96 and Emily Rickman, Yeshaya Leib, Manchester,
England Benji
'96 and Alisa Zimmerman, Aharon Arye,
Jerusalem Marc
'97 and Heidi Romain, Ashira Ora, Johannesburg, South
Africa Simcha
'97 and Rachel Schaum, Ayelet Rut, Teaneck,
NJ Yehuda
'97 and Rifky Cohen, Devorah Chava, Chicago,
IL Jonny
'97 and Lauren Newman, Shaindel Tzipporah, London,
England Yonah
'97 and Lisa Feldman, Noah Bernard (Noach Zalman Beir),
Plainview, NY David
'98 and Yael Goldfischer, Akiva Moshe, Teaneck,
NJ Naftali
'98 and Freida Rothman, Ariella, Bergenfield,
NJ Jonathan
'98 PC and Atara Snowbell, Naveh Shlomo, Alon
Shevut Jeffrey
'98 and Allison Miller, Anna Sophie (Chana Esther),
NYC Moshe
'99 and Mirel Stavsky, Shira Leba, NYC Ira
Karoll '99 and Shoshi Butler, Michael Frank, Pittsburgh,
PA Aaron
'99 and Chaya Segal, Yonatan Yitzchak, South Bend,
Indiana Arye
'00 and Aliza Sokol, Eliana Ahuva, Alon
Shevut Dov
'00 and Rachel Erdfarb, Yaakov Alexander, Bergenfield,
NJ Stephen
'01 and Tamar Kaye, Bracha Ashira, Alon
Shevut Jeremy
'01 and Aviva Stern, Ateret Nechama, NYC Meir
'01 and Maya Perez, Ayelet, Johannesburg,
SA Ephraim
'01 PC and Sarah Mernick, Akiva Chanoch, Riverdale, NY
'01 and Riki Friedman, Mia Bruria, Bellevue Hill,
Australia Avi
'01 and Daniela Ziskind, Hillel Nechemya, Stony Brook,
NY Shmuel
'01 and Tali Kagan, Yedidya Moshe,
Jerusalem Baruch
'01 and Emma Baigel, Tzuriel Shaanan,
Jerusalem Leron
'02 and Sarah Bernstein, Yehuda Moshe, Ma'aleh
Adumim Jonathan
'02 and Shari Lauer, Avraham Meir, NYC Etan
'02 and Sarah Bendheim, Le'eila Tal, NYC Aaron
'02 and Miriam Frolich, Shir'el Chaya, Givat
Shmuel Jarred
'02 and Aimee Bloch, girl, Johannesburg, South
Africa Avinoam
'03 and Golda Erdfarb, Yitzchak Gamliel,
NYC Russell
('07 Kollel) and Miriam Levy, David Moshe,
Toronto, Canada Births
of Grandchildren Nissan
'72 and Felice Zisken on the birth of Roni and to parents Ariel ('07
Kollel) and Yael Zisken Meir
'72 and Malkah Schweiger on the birth of Eyran and to parents,
Peretz and Yasmin Schweiger Mordechai
'74 and Sema Reich on birth of Avigayil Rivka and to parents
Reuven '95 and Nechama Weiser Alan
'78 and Batya Yaniger on the birth of Yonatan Yehuda and to
parents Meir and Avital Rav
Danny '75 and Susan Wolf on the birth of Reishit Amana and to
parents Raheli and Yehiel Cohen and Ye'ala and to parents Tali and Noam
Bouskila Rav
Danny and Tova Rhein on the birth of Aharon Arye to Benji '96 and
Alisa Zimmerman and Ori Yisrael to Raheli (madricha in Migdal Oz) and
David Schmell (former Darkaynu madrich), and to grandparents Yeshiva
accountant Chaim and Sima Schmell. Bar/Bat
Mitzvahs Malkie
Koppel (Moshe '74 and Channah), Efrat Michal
Fund (Aryeh '78 and Yocheved), Efrat Yitzchak
Lindenbaum (Nathan '78 and Yocheved), Teaneck,
NJ Daniella
Kestenbaum (Moshe '78 and Johanna),
Jerusalem Avinoam
Katsman (Daniel '79 and Hannah), Petach
Tikva Elana
Rabinovich (Larry '80 and Deena), Flushing, NY
Esther Jachter (Chaim 81 and Malca), Teaneck,
NJ Aaron
Shmidman (Yoseph '82 and Yaffi), Jerusalem Amichai
Zerach Berger (Shalom '83 and Rachel), Alon
Shevut Uriel
Suna (David '83 and Susan), Alon Shevut Noam
Moshe Waxman (Chanoch '84 and Michelle), Alon
Shevut Yael
Glatt (David '85 and Michal), Beit Shemesh Roi
Arye Platzky (Darren '85 and Rozanne), Tel
Mond Yehuda
Berman (Ari '87 and Anita), Neve Daniel Revital
Chavel (Simi '87 and Audrey), Evanston, IL Ayala
Chaja Pluznik (Jerome '88 and Michal), Zurich,
Switzerland Meital
Zimbalist (Jonathan '88 and Hili), Merion Station,
Baumol (Avi '88 and Hadley), Efrat Baruch
Rosenstark (Reuven '91 Kollel and Judy),
Efrat Moshe
Schorr (Elli '92 and Efrat), Alon Shevut Aliya Zvi
'82 and Deena Kahane, Beit Shemesh Robbie
'94 and Jenny Sassoon, Maale Adumim Mitch
'95 and Tova Rich, Ramat Beit Shemesh Yoram
'96 and Ayelet Schwell, Katzrin Daniel
Hofbauer '98, Jerusalem Avi
'98 and Esthie Rosenblatt, Beit Shemesh Bruno
'01 and Rachel Belaciano, Haifa Dale
'02 and Batya Schaffer, Givat
Shmuel Amiel
Rieger '03, Yeshiva Sammy
Chester '03, Tirat Tzvi and
army Liron
Smadja '03, Jerusalem Levi
Frolich '05, Jerusalem Ilan
Buchbinder '06, Yeshiva Rael
Olwyn '08, Yeshiva Brad
Rubin '08 PC, Yeshiva Condolences Steve
Ehrenhalt '78 on the loss of his father, Mr. Sam Ehrenhalt
z"l Maury
Kelman '83 on the loss of his father, Rabbi Joseph Kelman
z"l Perez
Hochbaum '82 on the loss of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Tager z"l
Meir '86 PC on the loss of his father, Mr. George (Yaakov) Meyers
z"l To
Debby Friedman on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Channa Korn
z"l To
Rosh HaYeshiva Harav Yaakov Medan on the loss of his mother, Mrs. Leah
Medan z"l המקום
ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
In Memoriam The Yeshiva
mourns the tragic death of Har Etzion Hesder talmid Uriel
Peretz Liwerant z"l who died al Kiddush Hashem in a tank
accident during a training exercise in the Golan Heights on Wednesday,
August 5, 2009 (15 Av). Uriel, the tank commander, was killed and
three other crew members were lightly injured. Uriel, 21, of Efrat, was
born in Jerusalem to American olim parents, Aharon and Joni. He is
buried in Har Herzl in Jerusalem. "Uriel personified gentleness and at the same time, readiness to lead, as he showed as the commander of his tank," said Rav Yaakov Fischer, Rosh Yeshiva of Neveh Shmuel High School, where Uriel studied before beginning his Hesder studies at Yeshivat Har Etzion. Rav Fisher described Uriel as "a real tzaddik, a brilliant student who would have become a Talmid Chacham." Yehi zichro baruch. Read more. Recent Yeshiva Publications
For more information and how to
The Yeshiva's USA Office Has Moved!
The Yeshiva's
Etzion Foundation office has moved to
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