An English E-Newsletter for Yeshivat Har Etzion
Alumni | |||||||||||||
בס"ד New trees and new faces, in and out of the Beit Midrash.
Dear Alumnus, We hope you are all having an enjoyable and productive summer. We are happy to send you our second "Etzion E-newsletter". If for any reason you didn't receive the first one which was sent Erev Shavuot, here is the link. The major construction project to render the Yeshiva wheelchair-accessible is nearing completion and final work is underway to install the new elevator to the Beit Midrash. Work has also begun on an additional elevator to the Yeshiva and Herzog libraries. The annual summer Yemei Iyun B'Tanach were a big success. If you attended, please send us an email with your impressions and comments.
the arrival of Chodesh Elul, the Yeshiva welcomes all its new and
returning talmidim. There are 53 Shana Aleph talmidim from
North America, 9 from Europe, 14 from
Just to give you a
taste As the Yeshiva begins its 40th anniversary year, many exciting activities are in the planning stages and we look forward to maximum alumni participation. More details to follow soon. We'd like to hear your news, accomplishments, special memories of Yeshiva, how the Yeshiva continues to impact and influence you, thoughts you would like to share with your fellow alumni, feelings on having your son learn in Yeshiva (where applicable), etc. Emails, photos and video clips are all welcome. We look forward to hearing from you. Chodesh
Tov, | |||||||||||||
2,400 people - men and women, young and old, religious and secular, from
An ambitious new project by
Alumnus Yehuda Newman ('99-'01)
an electronic
learning environment for Talmidei Torah. For complete
Flipping Out - Myth or
Fact: The Impact of the Year in An
in-depth exploration of the issues arising from the widespread phenomenon
of American students spending a post-high school year studying in
- by Simeon Botwinick '06
Monday, the 4th of Sivan (May 21), I was part of a group of Har
Etzion students led by Rav Yitzchak Levi that had the opportunity
to visit Har Habayit. This was no haphazard, trip-on-a-whim; we had
prepared by learning the relevant halachot with Rav Levi, by
discussing the history of the site and the situation today, and by
toveling the day before and the day of in a mikva. But
for all the preparation we did, I can't say I was
prepared. For complete story... Alumni Achievements in Chinuch
and the Rabbinate
Rav Rimon was recently featured in The Jewish Week, July 27, 2007, regarding his efforts on behalf of JobKatif, the organization founded by Rav Rimon to help find employment for Gush Katif evacuees. A voluntary organization, JobKatif helps place individuals in new jobs, offers professional training, helps open new businesses, and provides career counseling when necessary. Click here to see a letter co-signed by Harav Aharon Lichtenstein and most of the Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshiva University calling for urgent support of JobKatif - איש את רעהו יעזור .
From Jarred Myers '98,
Johannesburg, South Africa: When we were preparing to leave
the Yeshiva, we were constantly reminded of the importance to be "kovea
itim le'Torah," but obviously being "obnoxious" yeshiva bochrim
we thought that wasn't applicable to us because we were so
"shtark" that wouldn't be
a problem. Well, several years later through university into the
corporate working world, I can honestly say that I've seen some alumni
unfortunately fall by the wayside. The ones who managed to stay afloat
were the ones who were "kovea" that time to
learn. So my message to current and future alumni is simple - listen to the Ramim - their advice could prove sagely in helping you preserve yourself through the world that doesn't always look like an eagle.
Yoni Siegal z"l Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Yoni Siegal Memorial
Scholarship Fund will provide assistance to a student in need of
financial aid at Yeshivat Har Etzion, where Yoni z"l learned in 1979
during his year in Israel after high
For more information, contact Yoel Weiss, Executive Vice President of the Etzion Foundation. | |||||||||||||
Yeshivat Har Etzion Websites: - The
Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash Pictures in this issue are
courtesy of Yehoshua HaLevi, Eliyahu Yanai, |