
Gush Brochure

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Daily Schedule


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Afternoon Schedule

Mazal tov to Overseas Director Eli and Elka Weber on the birth of a grandson, born to Rachel ’09MO and David Leshaw. Mazal tov also to Rachel’s siblings, Yitzchak ’13H and Malka ’19MO.
Mazal tov to Akiva Goldberger ’17 on making aliya.
Mazal tov to Arthur ’12 and Chani Schoen on the birth of Yonina Esther. Mazal tov also to Chani’s parents, David ’85 and Devora Reich. Mazal tov also to Arthur’s siblings, Simon ’16, Maayan ’18MO, and Abe ’20.
Mazal tov to Benjy ’13MTA and Elisheva Berkowicz on the birth of Amichai Yishai. Mazal tov also to Elisheva’s siblings, Netanel Sirote ’10H, Rami Sirote ’12H, Shaya Sirote ’12H, Yair Sirote ’17H and Ari Sirote 22H.
Mazal tov to Aryeh Shapiro ’22 on making aliya.
Mazal tov to Yaacov ’99 and Adina Rydzinski on the birth of a boy.
Mazal tov to Gedaliah Zemel ’15 on his engagement to Shoshana Weintraub.
Mazal tov to Adir Koenig ’21 on his engagement to Liat Polinsky ’21MO.