
Gush Brochure

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Daily Schedule


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Afternoon Schedule

Mazal tov to Ari Rosenthal ’18 on his engagement to Jordy Gross ’18MO. Mazal tov also to Jordy’s brother, Yair Gross ’16.
Mazal tov to Michael Schwartz ’19 on his engagement to Aviva Levi. Mazal tov also to Michael's parents, Steven '83 and Rebecca Schwartz, and to his brother, Daniel Schwartz '14.
Mazal tov to Morey ’82 and Joy Wildes on the engagement of their son Alexander to Devorah Blatt. Mazal tov also to Alexander’s brother, incoming talmid Henry Wildes ’23.
Mazal tov to Daniel ’12PC and Devora Shibley on the birth of Binyamin David.
Mazal tov to David ’89 and Joanne Odes on the engagement of their son Avi ’18H to Moriya Carmi.
Mazal tov to Dr. Yonatan ’05 and Dr. Esty Schwab on the birth of Layla Joy. Mazal tov also to Yonatan’s siblings, Ari ’03, Dani ’09, and Yechiel ’11.
Mazal tov to Dr. Dani ’09 and Shira Schwab on the birth of Ezra David. Mazal tov also to Dani’s siblings, Ari ’03, Yonatan ’05, and Yechiel ’11.
Mazal tov to Elan ’13 and Ora Turitz on the birth of Amichai Dror. Mazal tov also to Elan’s parents, Joseph ’87 and Orlee Turitz. Mazal tov also to Elan’s sister, Yael Kaplan ’14MO.
Mazal tov to Uriel Weisz ’16 on making aliya.
Mazal tov to Sam ’12 and Leora ’13MO Glauber-Zimra on the birth of a boy. Mazal tov also to Leora’s parents, Rabbi Michael ’74 and Myra Balinsky.