Shemot | Moshe’s Leadership
by Rav Meir Shpiegelman
What was the real significance of the signs God gave Moshe at the burning bush?
Moshe's Appointment as God's Messenger
by Harav Yaakov Medan
Two apparent failures, two successful sparks, and two missions to complete the job.
Mini Yom Iyun in The Gush
'Lets Talk About Mental Health'
Thanking Rav Yoni Rosensweig: 'Mental Health and Halakha: What kinds of Questions Arise'. Rav Rosensweig is the Rabbi of the Netzach Menashe community in Beit Shemesh, and founder of Maaglei Nefesh, a center for halakha, community and mental health. He is also the co-author of “Nafshi BiShe’elati: Halakhot of Mental Health.”
Thanking also Brad Salzman LCSW, CSAT: 'Out of The Shadows: Overcoming the Challenges of Shemirat Einayim'. Brad Salzman is the Founder and Director of the New York Sexual Addiction Center and the Kivun Israel Recovery Center, specializing in the expert assessment and treatment of pornography and sexual addiction as well as intimacy disorders and relationship problems.
A Farwell Siyum and Breakfast honoring Gush Talmidim
from Australia and South Africa who depart the Yeshiva next week.
This is the end of the MTA 2024 'school year'
and we begin again with MTA 2025 BeChasdei Hashem in February.
Wishing them Hatzlacha Rabba in all of their future endeavors.
May Hashem bless them and watch over them.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment during extreme circumstances.
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